Monday, January 11, 2010

To Dream the Impossible Dream

Andy Williams sang this song and made it popular: The Impossible Dream.

Have you felt that about your writing and chances of getting your baby published, and the rejection slips that come through the mail? I know that I sure have. Yes, I have a contract on my book, and yes, it is coming out soon (fingers crossed here), but I am also aware of what I feel is a thin line between the published and the unpublished.

It has kinda amazed me that because I have a book coming out, that I am now somewhat of an expert about getting published. Believe you me, I don't feel like an expert, and don't know that I know anything more than any other author seeking publication.

Does dreaming that your book gets published seem like a fight with agents and publishers? Do you feel unbearable sorrow when you receive that rejection slip? I know of a lady who has published over 70 - yes 70! - books, and still receives rejection letters. She has different publishers that she works with. Some will publish her books in a certain genre, and reject others, which she gets published by another publisher.

See this is the thing: whether you are currently published or unpublished, publication doesn't mean an automatic acceptance of your new work. It takes just as much hard work as getting your first baby published.

So, dare to dream that seemingly impossible dream. Let Martin Luther King Jr.'s words resound in your soul: "I have a dream..."


Phyllis Campbell said...

Great blog! It has been my dream since 1986 to become a writer. A PUBLISHED writer. So in 2004 I sold my first story...and now I have 22 stories to my credit. They are all with the smaller epubs. This is all right...but now my dream is bigger. I want an agent. I want the BIG publishers...but I still get those darn rejections. Oh, they tell me they like my writing, but the story doesn't fit. (grumbles) Then make it fit! lol So these words of Andy Williams definitely ring true for me!


Beverly Stowe McClure said...

You are so right, Katie. Each story must stand on its own in that jungled called the publishing world.

Nice post.


Susan Hornbach said...

This is a wonderful article Katie. It's true we are all in the same boat when it comes to publishing a book. Every submission has to ride on it's own merits, and rejections are just part of being a writer. I was once told by a teacher that we should be sent rejection bricks,instead of papers, so at the end of the year we could all build a house, instead of papering our walls. You are an inspiration to your readers. Happy writing katie!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

My family and I saw Andy Williams when he came to Vancouver, way back in the 60s. I loved that song. Never gave it much thought until now. As a published author, I've seen both sides of the road, unpublished and published. It's a little disheartening to realize that life really doesn't change. Not unless you're the next Stephen King maybe.

I remember clearly longing with all my heart to be published. I prayed hard and long day after day, year after year. I don't want to diminished anyone else's dreams, but there comes a time when one has to decide if writing is fulling a publishing dream, or if writing itself is living the dream.

LOL, sorry, didn't mean to go on so long. I think dreams are fine as long as your self-worth isn't tied up too tightly in them.

Jamie said...

What a lovely post Katie. How very true, I'm unpublished at the moment, but working to get published. I have a dream and I'm staying focused. Happy writing.

jessi said...

Sometimes I feel that way about just finishing my ms! But I guess that's why they call it a dream, right? Life would be no fun without dreams. Btw, I love the cover of Guardian.

kanishk said...

Each story must stand on its own in that jungled called the publishing world.

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