Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action

When I considered what to write today, I realized I was still hung up on what I wrote last time: the need to write, period. It seems like a worthy goal for 2009, and I think, a goal all of the time because so many of us lead very busy lives.

Lights, camera, action, aka ready, set, go, needs to be our focus as writers. Too often, we as writers can get bogged down in the details of marketing and promotion, and fail to connect to our muse.

Heck, let's face it. For many of us, it seems the muse has flown the coop, and by the time we realize the door was open, our muse seems long gone. However (don't you love that word?), there is hope. Yes, pay attention to marketing and promotion, but also balance that left brain work with right brain creativity.

Sit at your computer, turn the lights on, move your web cam so you can't cheat, and take the time to reconnect.

How do we recapture our muse? I think it's different for everyone, but what it boils down to is that we have to take action--be ready to write. What we write may first come out as crap, but then we find ourselves connecting to our muse, and find the creativity once again.

Ready: turn your light on above your computer. Set: Move the webcam so it doesn't distract you. Go: Take action! Be proactive, connect with that muse and begin to write once again!


Lisa L. Leibow said...

I hope you reach your goals this year. I will be working on my own writing related goals, too. Maybe knowing we're not alone will help us achieve great things!

Lea Schizas - Author/Editor said...

Katie, I don't make resolutions now for some time but always say I'll do my best in whatever I do.

However, this year, for some reason, began with a burning fire to complete many of my projects and I WILL.

Here's wishing you tons of success in 2009.

Donna McDine said...

Hi Katie...fantastic movtivating post. Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2009 be a blessed year!


P.S. Thanks for your lovely congratulatory note...much appreciated!

Deb Hockenberry said...

This was a inspirational & motivational post! It makes me want to get some writing done tonight!